The Traffic Group

Homestead Wakefield Elementary School


Harford County Public Schools


Harford County, MD
The Traffic Group worked with Harford County Public Schools to prepare a Traffic Impact Study for Homestead Wakefield Elementary School.

The Traffic Group worked with Harford County Public Schools to prepare a Traffic Impact Study for Homestead Wakefield Elementary School. Located within the Town of Bel Air. The existing classrooms are scattered among three antiquated buildings. To better serve the needs of students, a new facility with a capacity of up to 1,100 students will be developed on the site.

The scope for the Traffic Impact Study was dictated by town, county and Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) representatives. It included a total of eight internal and external intersections. We collected turning movement counts at each location using Miovision cameras. Video was then reviewed to understand existing operational challenges including queueing and blocking. To fully evaluate the arrival and dismissal periods at the current facility, a drone was utilized to capture video of a larger area from an aerial perspective.

Pedestrian activity at intersections and throughout the campus was also monitored to determine origins and destinations. The data was then used to ensure appropriate pathways will be available in the future to connect the new school to the surrounding community.


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